St. Marguerite d’Youville Catholic Church Altar Server Association (ASA) was established on Friday, February 9, 2018.


The altar server occupies a privileged place in the liturgical celebration (the Mass). More than just a helper for the parish priest, you are servers of Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. Altar servers are called in a special way to be young friends of Jesus.


The requirements of joining the altar server ministry are that you must have received First Holy Communion, and attend and participate in at least two training classes. Training classes are presented by Deacon Kapya  and the Altar Server Coordinator, under the guidance of Father Tomy.


Training classes are held in the weeks following First Communion, and in the Fall. Announcement of the classes appears in the Church bulletin and announced from the Altar for two weeks prior to first class.


Would you like to serve on the Altar? For additional information, or to let the Parish Office know you are interested: 770-381-7337.