Weekend Mass Times
Saturday Vigil : 5:30 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am & 11:00 am
Polish Mass: Sunday, 1:00 pm
French/Creole Mass: Sunday, 4:00 pm
Weekday Mass Times
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 8:30 am
Wednesday: 5:30 pm Adoration, Rosary, Benediction and followed by Holy Mass
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Anytime by Appointment.
Office Hours
Monday – Thursday: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Holy Days of Obligation Mass Times
Previous Day: 7:00 pm Vigil
Day of Obligation: 8:30 am and 7:00 pm
First Friday Devotion
8:30 am : Holy Mass
9:00 am to 6:15 pm : Adoration
6:15 pm : Benediction
6:30 pm : Holy Mass
Youth Ministry
6th-12th Grades- Sunday 9:45 am - 10:45 pm
Living, Loving ,Vibrant & Eucharistic Community
St. Marguerite d’ Youville Parish community is located in a very quiet and scenic area of the Northern side of Lawrenceville, Georgia. The parishioners affectionately call it their “Second Home”. We are a parish that is welcoming, friendly, sociable and have dedicated members. The parish has over 600 registered households. The main sanctuary can seat over 550 people. We have 3 priests and 2 deacons to serve our community. We are a 25 years old parish. The pastoral care of this parish is provided by the Fransalian Fathers (Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales-MSFS) of the USA Vice Province.
Anyone who drives around the St. Marguerite Church area will certainly experience an atmosphere of peace and silence within. Our church is an apt and appropriate place for prayer, meditation, reflection, contemplation and solitude. The parish has a chapel for perpetual adoration where the faithful can come and adore day and night. A beautiful Marian Garden for outside reflection; an altar for outdoor Mass with Marian Grotto for praying rosary, rosary walks, and outdoor Stations of the Cross in St. Edward Garden between the church and the rectory. The parish has a large social hall where wedding receptions and other social activities can be held. Our parish has over 50 active ministries with a vibrant youth ministry. It is a home for the Polish Community around this area.

Fr. Tomy J. Puliyan, MSFS
On behalf of the faithful, the clergy and the administrative staff, I would like to extend a hearty welcome to our parish. May the Lord continue to bless you and your loved ones through the intercession of St. Marguerite d’Youville, the Mother of Universal Charity and St. Francis de Sales, the Gentleman Saint.
Stay Updated
- Are you a Registered Member of St. Marguerite? Those who are not registered with us, please make sure that you register at the parish office, online or by using the forms available at the Narthex. We welcome you to be part of the Church, the body of Christ and share your time, treasure, and talent so that we grow together into a living, loving, vibrant, and Eucharistic community.
- Introducing the 2023-2024 RCIA Program!
If you, your family members, relatives, friends, or co-workers are not Catholic, or are Catholic and in need of any sacraments or who would like to know more about or grow in the Catholic faith, then RCIA may be the right fit. If so, please contact/have them contact program Director Dr. Grace Charles at the church office (770-381-7337) LENTEN FISH FRY : During Lent, come join us and enjoy a delicious fish fry dinner every Friday before or after Stations of the Cross. Hosted, prepared and served by the Knights of Columbus Council 12905.
Fish Fry will be every Friday in Lent from Friday, February 16th through Friday, March 22nd serving from 5 – 7:30pm. in Floyd Farabaugh Banquet Hall. If you are planning on coming after Stations please come beforehand and place your order so that it will be ready afterwards or come before to dine in. The kitchen closes promptly at 7:30pm and no orders are taken after that time.
See the Menu below along with our Dine In arrangement. Take Out boxes are available if you would prefer to take your meal(s) home with you.
Serving generous portions of fried whitefish, grilled salmon, grilled mahi-mahi, and a seafood sampler and all with side items of french fries, homemade coleslaw, hush puppies, iced tea, coffee and lemonade. Also offered are New England clam chowder, baked potatoes, and mac and cheese. A dessert table with home baked goods, including our own Fish Fry Peach Cobbler hot out of the oven, are available to top off your meal.
NEW: Please ensure that your parish websites are directed to the 2024 Annual Appeal donate page by using the correct URL: donate.archatl.com or by using one of AAA 2024 QR codes which may be found on the Parish Resources page. The URLs and QR codes on your printed materials are correct.
Please do not use old 2023 or prior years’ URLs.
NEW: Updated FAQs for our Annual Appeal adding new questions that have been asked since our webinar. Please see attached for this new FAQ
For additional resources, please visit our Parish Resources page HERE.
Know of our prayers for a successful 2024 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal for your parish. Please let us know how we may help. In His presence, all things are made new.
Be vigilant to God’s presence in life, pope says… Read more
Click here for the COVID-19 Responses and Actions taken by the Archdiocese.
Click here for an article on the new Archbishop’s discussion on challenges of faith and hope during coronavirus pandemic.
Click here for an article from the GA Bulletin regarding the extended suspension and school closure.
Please download “My Parish” App to keep up with current church information,
and especially for a reliable source of the church bulletins.
To pay your tithe, donate online or make an online payment, scan the QR code on page 6 of the Parish Bulletin.
- Advent Penance Service: This year’s Advent Penance Service is on Thursday, December 15th at 7 pm
Please call the Parish Office to make an appointment during the normal office hours.
Please, we ask, Confession and Anointing of the Sick should be done only in genuine emergencies.
Perfect contrition requires:
1. The love of God
2. The sincere desire for forgiveness
3. The ardent commitment to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation as soon as possible, when available
- Fr. Tomy’s Personal Reflection Blog: Honeycomb Today
- Do you want to obtain holiness and happiness in your life? Join our Pastor as he reflects on important topics in life that pertain to our Catholic religion.
Click here for the blog.
Click here for the Facebook Group.
- Mass Intentions for deceased loved ones, the Souls in Purgatory, as well as Special Intentions, including birthdays and anniversaries, are taken by calling the parish office at (770) 381-7337. Schedule yours today via phone or email to the Secretary.
- Please contact the Parish Office if you would like a copy of a priests’ homily for a certain Sunday.
- Download MyParish App to stay updated with the current bulletin and announcements!
CLICK HERE to support St. Vincent de Paul’s Mission during these times of COVID-19.
Thank you for your generosity.
- SVdP Georgia is committed to continuing to serve Georgians in need who are facing homelessness, hunger and other challenges as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. Every dollar raised from the COVID-19 response fund will be used to support neighbors in need across Georgia’s communities. You can help make sure we can be there for our neighbors in need during this time of uncertainty.
Experience God's Presence

Human Thirst and the Response of Jesus
Human Thirst and the Response of Jesus Gospel for the Third Sunday of Lent- John 4:5-42 In John 4:14, Jesus says to the Samaritan woman, ‘Everyone

Lent is a Time of New Journey!
My Dear Parishioners, This is the 1st week of our Lenten Journey! Lent is always a new beginning when we look for a new direction and new

Salt and Light
The Gospel reading for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time is from the Gospel of Matthew 5:13-16 Jesus said to his disciples: “You are the salt