St. Marguerite d’Youville Catholic Church Youth Ministry Presents First Annual Car show Saturday, November 5, 2022.

All proceeds for benefiting the Youth Programs at the Church

Do you wish to exhibit your car, click on the exhibitor tab above.

Download flyer and spread the news!

Bring your car or motorcycle. All vehicles must register to park within the show areas. Pre-register your car online for a smooth entry into the show. Amazing rewards awaiting you. Exhibit fee is $20 before Oct 31st and $25 afterwards.

Click here to register as an exhibitor

Sponsors are invited!

This event couldn’t happen without the support of many generous sponsors. Become a sponsor for the premier car show to benefit our youth programs.

Click here to view sponsorship levels and to make the online payment

STMDY Car Show welcomes you to participate in making history as a volunteer! Your involvement not only impacts this event on all levels, it also contributes directly to the STMDY’s Youth programs!  

There will be a mandatory Volunteer meeting on Thursday, Nov 2nd at 6pm to review duties, times, and all the important details.

Click here register as a volunteer!


Don’t have the time to Volunteer? Don’t have a car you want to show? Still want to help? Donations in any amount are very much appreciated!