1. Fransalian Associates
    • A third-order group for the Fransalians [Missionary of St. Francis de Sales]
  2. Dinner with the Pastors
    • Once a month, parishioners bring potluck to church and eat with the pastors to get to know them better and understand personal relationships with their shepherds
  3. Young Adults Ministry
    • Ministry for the young adults of our parish and neighborhood to help them to stay focused on their faith and morals and lead a righteous life
  4. Hospitality Ministry
    • Team of people who would prepare food or snacks when we have priests coming for Confession or retreats or any other function
  5. Welcome Ministry
    • Team of people who welcome newcomers and walk with them and orient them to make them feel comfortable in the parish and get them involved by taking up ministries of their choice
  6. Parish Nurse
    • Person(s) in charge of first aid and immediate medical assistance for any emergency situations in the parish during the service
  7. Lighthouse Media
    • Making CDs and DVDs available in the parish through Lighthouse Media Publication
  8. Adult Education
    • Organizing periodical talks and discussions on relevant topics of faith and morals for enhancing Catholic way of life
  9. Prayer Line Ministry
    • It is a ministry where people can contact over the phone for special prayer intentions, where a group of people are available to pray especially for those intentions
  10. Welcome Home Catholics Ministry
    • A ministry where we try to bring the fallen-away Catholics to the Catholic fold
  11. Alpha/Arise
    • A ministry where we walk people to help them to discover/rediscover their faith in God
  12. Singles for Christ
    • A group where the singles (both men and women) can come together to support each other and live their faith the best way possible
  13. Consolation Ministry
    • Assisting parishioners and their families through grief/divorce/tragedies in life
  14. Prayer Shawl Ministry [Knitting and Crocheting]
    • Knitting prayer shawls; also scarves, hats, and blankets for the sick and terminally ill while praying for those in need that will eventually receive our gifts
  15. Maintenance Ministry
    • Team of people who offer timely help to the facility supervisor to take care of the facilities of the parish
  16. Donuts & Coffee Fellowship
    • Sharing donuts and coffee after Sunday Mass to promote fellowship and a sense of family and community
  17. Church Picnic
    • Organizing an annual parish picnic
  18. Rosary Makers
    • People who can make rosaries to be given away for the needy people
  19. Neighborhood Catholic Communities
    • Building up Catholic culture in Catholic neighborhoods
  20. Evangelization Outreach
    • Reaching out to the community with the Catholic morals and values