My Dear Parishioners,
This is the 1st week of our Lenten Journey! Lent is always a new beginning when we look for a new direction and new perspectives. Our primary focus is ourselves directing our thoughts and actions to the mount of Calvary, which is the school of love. That sacrifice on that holy mount brought resurrection, which is an assurance of our faith and life after death through resurrection. Therefore, let us keep feasting on good things and fasting on bad things to make our Lenten Journey a meaningful and fruitful experience.
let us keep feasting on good things and fasting on bad things to make our Lenten Journey a meaningful and fruitful experience.
As you know, our Lenten and Easter schedule is already published, and it is also stuck on some door posts of our church buildings.
We have already finished some renovation works inside our church earlier, and very recently, we have also undertaken some renovations in the social hall, making it a banquet hall. We intend to promote renting out the facility for parishioners and non-parishioners to generate some income for the parish. Please use ours if you need a facility for some function, as we have special pricing for parishioners. It is about 6000 square foot area for use. Please feel free to go down and look at it at your convenience. Any suggestions and recommendations are always welcome.
Next priority: After completing essential improvements and renovations inside the church and our building, our next priority should be to build up and bond the St. Marguerite parish community as a true Faith-focused, Faith-filled, Living, Loving, Vibrant, and Eucharistic community of God’s people. Our parish is a great community of faith with many wonderful traits and talents. I believe the Lord is pleased with us, and I am happy as your priest and pastor with your commitment and dedication to the Lord and His Church, which is His body. However, there are always opportunities and possibilities for improvements, growth, and development in both personal and community life.
There will be more programs such as weekly retreats, talks, and discussions on a weekly basis beginning with this Lent of 2023 to help us make our faith and spiritual Journey personal experience
. One of the salient features of our parish is that it is a Eucharistic Community, and the USCCB has chosen “Eucharistic Renewal” as the theme for 3 years, and we are in the first year now. Therefore, we need to talk, discuss, live, and experience the importance of the Eucharist in our lives as the powerhouse of our daily activities. St. Francis de Sales, the patron saint of our Religious Order, recommends that we all need at least an hour of adoration daily, and if we are very busy with our daily activities, we need to make it 2 hours daily. Let us stay tuned for good things to happen in our church life, family, and church life. Thank you all for all that you do for our second Home.
You are all in my prayers and thoughts. Please keep me and all other clergy serving in our parish in your prayers! May God bless each of you and wish you a happy Lenten Journey.
Lovingly your Pastor,
Fr. Tomy Joseph Puliyan, MSFS