If you would like your child to be baptized at our church, please contact the Parish Office. There are Baptism Registration Forms available in the Narthex, next to the Confessional, or if you click on the link below. If not yet registered at St. Marguerite, please also complete a New Parishioner Registration Form – located adjacent to the Baptism Registration Forms in the Narthex – as soon as possible or CLICK HERE to Register online. Fill out the form and bring it to the Parish Office. You and the Godparent(s) must have attended a Baptism Class at St. Marguerite within the prior two years, or provide us with a certificate of attendance from another church for a Baptism Class taken within the prior two years, before your child gets baptized. If you or a Godparent needs to take this at St. Marguerite, please contact to Church Office to register for an upcoming class. Please sign up for a class through the Parish Office. They are held every Second Saturday of the month from 10:30 to 11:30 am in the Conference Room (upper level), unless noted differently through the bulletin. Baptisms are generally celebrated on Saturdays, or on a Sunday immediately following the 11:00 am Mass. If you have a preference for a Priest or Deacon, let the Parish Office know.